29, 2016
Brothers and Sisters of the APWU-DDAL, I
am delighted to have this opportunity to greet all of
you. It is because of you
that I have been granted this position and I do
not intend to disappoint you. As
your elected leader, I have a dream
that is not esoteric, but the dream includes this
entire membership.
want to thank you all for supporting the TEAM COMBS
MEMBERS, because that
is where the team concept and the dream
began. I believe that we, Officers, Stewards and
Members should strive
to deliver the best of us at all times. We should
become familiar with our duties and do our best to
ensure that we reach our TEAM
are a couple of quotes I would like us to remember,
because they will direct our team
and create our suave technique
of fairly representing this membership.
#1: "All Great Achievements require time."
Maya Angelou
friends we are accomplishing greatness daily, but it
will take some time for
all the dreams to become our reality. Please allow
us to lay our foundation and begin placing our bricks
stone by stone.
#2: "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence,
then is not an act, but a
believe in striving for excellence and that it can be
achieved. I also believe
in perfection and although it may not be feasible,
shooting for that perfection is
follow members it has been said that the skills and
attributes required to lead
people successfully are entirely opposite
from skills and attributes required to be a successful
individual contributor. The work,
rewards, and impact are 180 degrees
from each other. Consider this: if the roles and
skills weren't opposite,
it would be a walk in the park for someone to move
seamlessly from being a great violin player to being a
great conductor. Knowing how to
play one instrument flawlessly
requires one skill set. Knowing how to create harmony
from a symphony of people playing many varied instruments
requires additional, different, and opposite skill
Brothers and Sisters you have asked me to be the
conductor of many talented men
and women and the music they
play at times will slightly differ, I intent for us to
come together and play
music you all will be proud of. I will use these
words to create a membership that
leads by example and that will
allow others to get out of the weeds and lead. Will
you join me, can we
support each other, and do you want to see something
different? Because that is why, I asked you to support
TEAM COMBS. Together we can achieve GREATNESS.

Keith M Combs Sr.
President APWU-DDAL